A regularly updated and easily searchable bibliography on international cyber security-related publications.
This bibliography was originally compiled by Liisi Adamson and is maintained by The Hague Program on International Cyber Security - please send any additions or suggestions to info@thehagueprogram.nl
NB: Underlined items link directly to the referred article or book.
"Let Them Roar: Small States as Cyber Norm Entrepreneurs." European Foreign Affairs Review 24 (2): 217-234.
"Who spies on whom? Unravelling the puzzle of state-sponsored cyber economic espionage." Journal of Peace Research.
"New technology, old strategy: Cyberspace and the international politics of African agency." Journal of Strategic Studies.
Emerging and Disruptive Digital Technologies: National, Regional, and Global Perspectives. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union.
Bitskrieg: The New Challenge of Cyberwarfare, Wiley.
"Solving the International Internet Policy Coordination Problem." Global Commission on Internet Governance, Paper Series: No. 12 – May, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and Chatham House.
"International Legal Norms in Cyberspace: Evolution of China’s National Security Motivations." In: Osula, Anna-Maria & Henry Rõigas (eds), International Cyber Norms: Legal, Policy & Industry Perspectives, Tallinn: NATO CCD COE Publications, 171-201.
"Risk vs. threat-based cybersecurity: the case of the EU." European Security 23 (1): 85-103.
“Cyber risk logics and their implications for cybersecurity.” International Affairs 100 (6): 2441-2460.
"Understanding the European Union’s Perception of the Threat of Cyberterrorism: A Discursive Analysis." Journal of Common Market Studies.
"The Bumpy Road to a Meaningful International Law of Cyber Attribution." AJIL Unbound 113: 191-196.
"Due Diligence: a Strategic Norm of Responsible Behaviour for the EU Cyber Diplomacy Toolbox?" Inaugural meeting of the European Cyber Diplomacy Dialogue, EU Cyber Direct, January 2019.
“Cyber Diplomacy through Official Public Attribution: Paving the Way for Global Norms.” International Studies Perspectives.
"Cyber-diplomacy: The Emergence of a Transient Field." The Hague Journal of Diplomacy.
"Power and diplomacy in the post-liberal cyberspace." International Affairs 96 (3): 749-766.
“Strategic narratives and the multilateral governance of cyberspace: The cases of European Union, Russia and India.” Contemporary Security Policy.
"Norm Origin and Development in Cyberspace: Models of Cybernorm Evolution." Washington University Law Quarterly 78 (1): 59-111.
"Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures in Cyberspace: Towards Norms of Behaviour." In: Vignard, Kerstin, Ross McCrae & Jason Powers (eds), Disarmament Forum: Confronting Cyberconflict, Geneva: UNIDIR, 2011 (4): 31-40.
"Prepare and Prevent: Don’t Repair and Repent: The Role of Insurance in Offensive Cyber." The Cyber Defense Review 7 (3): 17-29.
"Cross-Network Weaponization in the Semiconductor Supply Chain." International Studies Quarterly 68 (1).
"Limiting the undesired impact of cyber weapons: technical requirements and policy implications." Journal of Cybersecurity 3 (1): 59-68.
"From Consumers to Users: Shifting the Deeper Structures of Regulation Toward Sustainable Commons and User Access." Federal Communications Law Journal 52 (3): 561-579.
"The Spontaneous Evolution of Cyber Law: Norms, Property Rights, Contracting, Dispute Resolution and Enforcement without the State." Journal of Law, Economics & Policy 1 (2): 269-348.
"Classification of Cyber Capabilities and Operations as Weapons, Means or Methods of Warfare." International Law Studies 95: 179-225.
"The Demilitarisation of Cyber Conflict." Survival 60 (6): 73-90.
International Law As We Know It: Cyberwar Discourse and the Construction of Knowledge in International Legal Scholarship, Cambridge University Press.
"Cyber Operations as Imperfect Tools of Escalation." Strategic Studies Quarterly 13 (3): 122-145.
"Regulating Disinformation and Big Tech in the EU: A Research Agenda on the Institutional Strategies, Public Spheres and Analytical Challenges." Journal of Common Market Studies.
"UN Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security." International Affairs: A Russian Journal of World Politics, Diplomacy, and International Relations 62 (5).
Digital Empires: The Global Battle to Regulate Technology. Oxford University Press.
“Technical infrastructure as a hidden terrain of disinformation.” Journal of Cyber Policy.
"What's in a Name? Metaphors and Cybersecurity." International Organization: 1-32.
"Entanglement in Cyberspace: Minding the Deterrence Gap." Democracy and Security 16 (3): 210-233.
"Private active cyber defense and (international) cyber security - pushing the line?" Journal of Cybersecurity 7 (1).
The Public Core of the Internet, An International Agenda for Internet Governance, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
"Cyber intelligence and international security. Breaking the legal and diplomatic silence?" Intelligence and National Security.
Three tales of attribution in cyberspace: Criminal law, international law and policy debates, The Hague Program for Cyber Norms Policy Brief, April 2020.
A coalition of the unwilling? Chinese and Russian perspectives on cyberspace, The Hague Program for Cyber Norms Policy Brief, November 2019.
Foreign intelligence in the digital age. Navigating a state of 'unpeace', The Hague Program for Cyber Norms Policy Brief, September 2019.
"The Customary International Law of Cyberspace." Strategic Studies Quarterly 6 (3): 126-145.
"Insurance Policies and the Attribution of Cyber Operations Under International Law: A Commentary." NYU Journal of International Law and Politics 55 (1): 179-192.
"Taking Care of Business: Industrial Espionage and International Law." The Brown Journal of World Affairs 26 (1): 143-160.
The New Fire: War, Peace, and Democracy in the Age of AI, The MIT Press.
"Preparing the Cyber Battlefield: Assessing a Novel Escalation Risk in a Sino-American Crisis." Texas National Security Review 3 (4): 54-81.
"Cyber Security Norms in the Euro-Atlantic Region: NATO and the EU as Norm Entrepreneurs and Norm Diffusers." In: Gruszczak, Artur & Pawel Frankowski (eds), Technology, Ethics and the Protocols of Modern War, London: Routledge.
"The Future of Cyber Conflict Studies: Cyber Subcultures and the Road to Interdisciplinarity." The Cyber Defense Review 7 (3): 103-115.
"Bridging the gap between cyberwar and cyberpeace." International Affairs 97 (6): 1727-1747.
"Multilateral Approaches for Improving Global Security in Cyberspace." Georgetown Journal of International Affairs: 5-14.
“The emergence of EU cybersecurity law: A tale of lemons, angst, turf, surf and grey boxes.” Computer Law & Security Review 56 (April).
"Trends in International Law for Cyberspace." NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE), May 2019.
"Until consensus: Introducing the International Cyber Expression dataset." Journal of Peace Research.
“Developing digital “peripheries” for strategic advantage: Capacity building assistance and strategic competition in Africa.” Contemporary Security Policy.
A Universal Internet in a Bordered World: Research on Fragmentation, Openness and Interoperability (Research Volume One), Global Commission on Internet Governance, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and Chatham House.
"Technological Integrity and the Role of Industry in Emerging Cyber Norms." In: Osula, Anna-Maria & Henry Rõigas (eds), International Cyber Norms: Legal, Policy & Industry Perspectives, Tallinn: NATO CCD COE Publications, 203-220.
From Articulation to Implementation: Enabling Progress on Cybersecurity Norms, Microsoft Corporation.
"A systematic literature review on advanced persistent threat behaviors and its detection strategy." Journal of Cybersecurity 10 (1): 1-18.
"Contesting Western and Non-Western Approaches to Global Cyber Governance beyond Westlessness." The International Spectator 57 (3): 1-14.
“Norm diffusion in cyber governance: China as an emerging norm entrepreneur?” International Affairs 100 (6): 2419-2440.
"The contested meanings of cybersecurity: evidence from post-conflict Colombia." Conflict, Security & Development 21 (1): 1-19.
"A Primer on Globally Harmonizing Internet Jurisdiction and Regulations." Global Commission on Internet Governance, Paper Series: No. 10 – March, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and Chatham House.
Deter, Disrupt, or Deceive: Assessing Cyber Conflict as an Intelligence Contest, Georgetown University Press.
"Co-Evolution of Cyberspace and International Relations: New Challenges for the Social Sciences." Prepared for World Social Science Forum (WSSF) 2013 Montreal, Canada, Cambridge, MA: MIT.
Cybersecurity in the European Union: Resilience and Adaptability in Governance Policy, Palgrave Macmillan.
"The Collective Securitisation of Cyberspace in the European Union." West European Politics 42 (2): 278-301.
"The Challenges of Cybercrime in the European Union." European Politics and Society 19 (3): 355-375.
Securing Cyberspace Through International Norms: Recommendations for Policymakers and the Private Sector, Washington D.C: Good Harbor Security Risk Management, LLC.
"Beyond Norms: Using International Economic Tools to Deter Malicious State-Sponsored Cyber Activities." Temple International & Comparative Law Journal 32 (2): 113-125. (Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3395176).
"Cyber Security Assemblages: A Framework for Understanding the Dynamic and Contested Nature of Security Provision." Politics and Governance 6 (2): 13-21.
"The Use of Force and Cyber Countermeasures." Temple International & Comparative Law Journal 32 (2): 127-133. (Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3190253).
Dark Wire: The Incredible True Story of the Largest Sting Operation in History. PublicAffairs.
"Small States and Big Ideas: Estonia’s Battle for Cybersecurity Norms." Contemporary Security Policy 36 (2): 346-368.
"The Chinese Conception of Cybersecurity: A Conceptual, Institutional and Regulatory Genealogy." Journal of Contemporary China.
The Emergence of China’s Smart State. Rowman and Littlefield.
"Israel: Cyber Warfare and Security as National Trademarks of International Legitimacy." In: Romaniuk, Scott N. & Mary Manjikian (eds), The Routledge Companion to Global Cyber-Security Strategy, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3698972).
"Palestine: Whose Cyber Security without Cyber Sovereignty?" In: Romaniuk, Scott N. & Mary Manjikian (eds), The Routledge Companion to Global Cyber-Security Strategy, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3700850).
"From Simulations to Simulacra of War: Game Scenarios in Cyberwar Exercises." Journal of War & Culture Studies 11 (1): 22-37.
"Strategic Substitution: China’s Search for Coercive Leverage in the Information Age." International Security 47 (1): 46-92.
Stateless Attribution: Toward International Accountability in Cyberspace, Research Reports, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
"Beyond the United Nations Group of Governmental Experts." The Cyber Defense Review: 161-168.
Cyber Operations and International Law, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 146.
"Covid-19 and the Cyber Pandemic: A Plea for International Law and the Rule of Sovereignty in Cyberspace." In: Jančárková, T., Lindström, L., Visky, G. & Zotz, P. (eds), 2021 13th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Going Viral, Tallinn: NATO CCD COE Publications.
"Governing cyber crises: policy lessons from a comparative analysis." Policy Design and Practice.
"Exploit Brokers and Offensive Cyber Operations." The Cyber Defense Review 7 (3): 31-47.
"On the strategic consequences of digital espionage." Journal of Cyber Policy.
"The 2019 Venezuelan Blackout and the consequences of cyber uncertainty." Revista Brasileira De Estudos De Defesa 7 (2).
"Cyberspace is used, first and foremost, to wage wars: proliferation, security and stability in cyberspace." Journal of Cyber Policy 6 (1).
"Mapping the spread of Russian and Chinese contents on the French-speaking African web." Journal of Cyber Policy 6 (1).
The Politics of Cyber-Security. Routledge.
"Cyber security meets security politics: Complex technology, fragmented politics, and networked science." Contemporary Security Policy 41 (1): 5-32.
"Regulatory cybersecurity governance in the making: the formation of ENISA and its struggle for epistemic authority." Journal of European Public Policy.
Cyber Security Politics: Socio-Technical Transformations and Political Fragmentation, Routledge.
“The evolution of cyberconflict studies.” International Affairs 100 (6): 2317-2339.
"Introduction: An Offensive Future?" The Cyber Defense Review 7 (3): 9-13.
"Dangerous Gaming: Cyber-Attacks, Air-Strikes and Twitter." E-International Relations, 23 September 2019.
"Cyberspace and the Law of the Horse." University of Chicago Legal Forum, Vol. 1996, Article 7.
"International Cybersecurity Norm Development: The Roles of States Post-2017." Research in Focus, EU Cyber Direct.
"Contested public attributions of cyber incidents and the role of academia." Contemporary Security Policy.
Semi-State Actors in Cybersecurity, Oxford University Press.
"Offensive Cyber Capabilities and State Violence: Three Logics of Integration." Journal of Global Security Studies 7 (1).
"Publicly attributing cyber attacks: a framework." Journal of Strategic Studies.
"Attribution and Knowledge Creation Assemblages in Cybersecurity Politics." Journal of Cybersecurity 7 (1).
"Not Illegal: The SolarWinds Incident and International Law." European Journal of International Law.
"The Governance of Turkey’s Cyberspace: Between Cyber Security and Information Security." International Journal of Public Administration.
"Weighing the Case For a Convention to Limit Cyberwarfare." Arms Control Today 39 (9): 21-27.
"Beyond ‘Quasi-Norms’: The Challenges and Potential of Engaging with Norms in Cyberspace." In: Osula, A.-M. & Rõigas, H. (eds), International Cyber Norms: Legal, Policy & Industry Perspectives, Tallinn: NATO CCD COE Publications, 87-109.
"The state of Microsoft? The role of corporations in international norm creation." Journal of Cyber Policy 4 (3): 380-403.
“The new geopolitics of EU cybersecurity: security, economy and sovereignty.” International Affairs 100 (6): 2379-2397.
"Cybersecurity and the Concept of Norms." Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 30 November 2017.
"Cultivating International Cyber Norms." In: Lord, K.M. & Sharp, T (eds), America’s Cyber Future: Security and Prosperity in the Information Age, Washington D.C.: Center for a New American Security, 87-102.
"Beyond Naming and Shaming: Accusations and International Law in Cybersecurity." Temple University Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2019-14. (Available at SSRN: https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3347958).
"Constructing Norms for Global Cybersecurity." American Journal of International Law 110 (3): 425-479.
"Emerging illiberal norms: Russia and China as promoters of internet content control." International Affairs 97 (6): 1925-1944.
"Controlling internet content in the EU: towards digital sovereignty." Journal of European Public Policy.
"Controlling internet content in the EU: towards digital sovereignty." Journal of European Public Policy.
"Cybersecurity Risk." The Review of Financial Studies 36 (1): 351-407.
"What Great Powers Make It. International Order and the Logic of Cooperation in Cyberspace." Strategic Studies Quarterly 7 (1): 93-113.
"Structural Causes and Cyber Effects: Why International Order is Inevitable in Cyberspace." Strategic Studies Quarterly 8 (4): 112-128.
"The non-anthropocentric informational agents: Codes, software, and the logic of emergence in cybersecurity." Review of International Studies: 1-20.
"The strategic surprise of Russian information operations on social media in 2016 in the United States: mapping a blind spot." Journal of Cyber Policy 6 (1).
"Submarine Cables and the Risks to Digital Sovereignty." Minds and Machines 34 (31).
"An Attractive Alternative? China’s Approach to Cyber Governance and Its Implications for the Western Model." The International Spectator 57 (3): 15-30.
Elements of Deterrence: Strategy, Technology, and Complexity in Global Politics. Oxford University Press.
"Appropriate Norms of State Behavior in Cyberspace: Governance in China and Opportunities for US Businesses." Hoover Working Group on National Security, Technology, and Law, Aegis Series Paper No. 1706, 28 July 2017.
"Norms, Confidence and Capacity Building: Putting the UN Recommendations on Information and Communication Technologies in the Context of International Security Into OSCE-Action." European Cybersecurity Journal 2 (1).
"The unexpected norm-setters: Intelligence agencies in cyberspace." Contemporary Security Policy.
"We Need a Cyberspace Treaty: Regional and bilateral agreements are not enough." Intermedia 38 (3): 4-5.
"Why China Has Not Caught Up Yet: Military-Technological Superiority and the Limits of Imitation, Reverse Engineering, and Cyber Espionage." International Security 43 (3): 141-189.
"Intelligence in the Cyber Era: Evolution or Revolution?" Political Science Quarterly 135 (2): 191-224.
"The Dark Future of International Cybersecurity Regulation." Journal of National Security Law & Policy 6 (2): 563-570.
"Prediction and Judgment: Why Artificial Intelligence Increases the Importance of Humans in War." International Security 46 (3): 7-50.
"From Reaction to Action: Adopting a Competitive Posture in Cyber Diplomacy." Texas National Security Review, special issue on Cyber Competition.
"Responsibility for the Harm and Risk of Software Security Flaws." In: Dark, M.J. (ed), Information Assurance and Security Ethics in Complex Systems: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Hershey PA: IGI Global, 104-131.
"Cybersecurity Treaties: A Skeptical View." In: Berkowitz, P. (ed), Future Challenges in National Security and Law, Hoover Institution Press.
Sandworm: A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin's Most Dangerous Hackers, Doubleday.
"Deciphering Cyber Operations." The Cyber Defense Review 5 (1): 135-152.
Getting beyond Norms: New Approaches to International Cyber Security Challenges, Centre for International Governance Innovation.
"Great power narratives on the challenges of cyber norm building." Policy Design and Practice.
"Cyber campaigns and strategic outcomes." Journal of Strategic Studies.
"Manipulating uncertainty: cybersecurity politics in Egypt." Journal of Cybersecurity 7 (1).
“Digital recognition: cybersecurity and internet infrastructure in UAE-Israel diplomacy.” International Affairs 100 (6): 2399-2418.
"The implications of persistent (and permanent) engagement in cyberspace." Journal of Cybersecurity 5 (1).
"Applying International Environmental Legal Norms to Cyber Statecraft." I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society 8 (2): 356- 387.
"International Law and International Information Security: A Response to Krutskikh and Streltsov." Tallinn Paper No. 9, Tallinn: NATO CCD COE Publications.
"Countering foreign interference: election integrity lessons for liberal democracies." Journal of Cyber Policy 5 (2): 180-198.
"Opening up or closing down? Non-state actors in UN cybersecurity governance." Journal of Global Security Studies 9 (3): ogae026.
"Standardising the splinternet: how China's technical standards could fragment the internet." Journal of Cyber Policy 5 (2): 1-26.
"Strategic autonomy in the European Union's external relations law." Common Market Law Review 60 (3): 667-700.
"The Failure of the Rule of Law in Cyberspace?: Reorienting the Normative Debate on Borders and Territorial Sovereignty." The John Marshall Journal of Information Technology & Privacy Law 24 (1): 1-34.
"China and the US Strategic Construction of Cybernorms: The Process is the Product." Hoover Working Group on National Security, Technology, and Law, Aegis Paper Series No. 1704, 7 July 2017.
"Information Operations under International Law." Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 55 / Temple University Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2022-16.
"Conceptual Ambiguity of International Norms on State Behaviour in Cyberspace." Research in Focus, EU Cyber Direct.
"Towards a Global Regime for Cyber Warfare." In: Czosseck, C. & Geers, K. (eds), The Virtual Battlefield: Perspectives on Cyber Warfare, Conference proceedings - Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence (CCD CoE) Conference on Cyber Warfare (June 2009, Tallinn, Estonia).
"We'll never have a model of an AI major-general: Artificial Intelligence, command decisions, and kitsch visions of war." Journal of Strategic Studies.
"Interrogating the Cybersecurity Development Agenda: A Critical Reflection." The International Spectator 57 (3): 66-84.
"Beyond the Great Powers: Challenges for Understanding Cyber Operations in Latin America." Global Security Review 2: article 7.
"Unpacking Cyber Norms: Private Companies as Norm Entrepreneurs." Journal of Cyber Policy 3 (1): 61-76.
A Call to Cyber Norms: Discussions at the Harvard-MIT-University of Toronto Cyber Norms Workshops, 2011 and 2012, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
"A New Normal? The Cultivation of Global Norms as Part of a Cybersecurity Strategy." In: Yannakogeorgos, P.A. & Lowther, A.B. (eds), Conflict and Cooperation In Cyberspace, The Challenge to National Security, Taylor & Francis.
"The Play of States: Norms and Security in Cyberspace." American Foreign Policy Interests: The Journal of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy 36 (5): 322-331.
"Cyber governance in Africa: at the crossroads of politics, sovereignty and cooperation." Policy Design and Practice.
"Shining a Light on Cyber: An Interview with John C. 'Chris' Inglis." Strategic Studies Quarterly 14 (3): 3-11.
"Responding to cyberattacks: Prospects for the EU Cyber Diplomacy Toolbox." Europe in the World Programme Discussion Paper, European Policy Centre.
“Commitment and compromise in Danish cyber and tech diplomacy.” International Affairs 100 (6): 2361-2378.
"Pushing boundaries: An empirical view on the digital sovereignty of six governments in the midst of geopolitical tensions." Government Information Quarterly 40 (4).
"Law and Borders – the Rise of Law in Cyberspace." First Monday 1 (1).
Cyber Sovereignty: The Future of Governance in Cyberspace. Stanford University Press.
"United Nations Group of Governmental Experts: The Estonian Perspective." In: Osula, A.-M. & Rõigas, H. (eds), International Cyber Norms: Legal, Policy & Industry Perspectives, Tallinn: NATO CCD COE Publications, 111-127.
"Restraint under conditions of uncertainty: Why the United States tolerates cyberattacks." Journal of Cybersecurity 7 (1).
"China’s quest for quantum advantage—Strategic and defense innovation at a new frontier." Journal of Strategic Studies 44 (3): 922-952.
"Sovereign Discourse on Cyber Conflict Under International Law." Texas Law Review 88 (7): 1571-1598.
"Attributing Digital Covert Action: the curious case of WikiSaudileaks." Intelligence and National Security.
"Three Conditions for Cyber Countermeasures: Opportunities and Challenges of Active-Defense Operations." The Cyber Defense Review 7 (3): 79-89.
"Cyber Dialogue 2012 Briefs: Whither “Rules of the Road” for Cyberspace?" CyberDialogue 2012: What is Stewardship in Cyberspace.
"In Defense of Pure Sovereignty in Cyberspace." International Law Studies 97 (1): 1432-1499.
"Cyber legalism: why it fails and what to do about it." Journal of Cybersecurity 7 (1).
Striking Back: The End of Peace in Cyberspace – And How to Restore It, Yale University Press.
"Patterns of Behavior: States In, Through, and About Cyberspace." Cyber Policy Institute.
"Roles and Limitations of Middle Powers in Shaping Global Cyber Governance." The International Spectator 57 (3): 31-47.
"Mixed Signals: A Flawed Approach to Cyber Deterrence." Survival 62 (1): 107-130.
"Cybersecurity and Cyberpower: Concepts, Conditions and Capabilities for Cooperation for Action Within the EU." Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union, Directorate B, Policy Department, European Parliament.
"Cyber Peace and Cyber Stability: Taking the Norm Road to Stability." IEEE Internet Computing 23 (4): 61-66.
“Unpacking Russia’s Cyber-Incident Response.” Security Studies.
"Military Aspects of Ensuring International Information Security in the Context of Elaborating Universally Acknowledged Principles of International Law." In: Vignard, K. (ed), Disarmament Forum: ICTs and International Security, Geneva: UNIDIR, 2007 (3): 35-44.
"The Microfoundations of State Cybersecurity: Cyber Risk Perceptions and the Mass Public." Journal of Global Security Studies 6 (2).
When the Chips Are Down: A Deep Dive into a Global Crisis. Bloomsbury India.
Achieving International Cyber Stability, Washington D.C.: The Atlantic Council.
Subversion: The Strategic Weaponization of Narratives, Georgetown University Press.
"International Law and the Problem of International Information Security." International Affairs: A Russian Journal of World Politics, Diplomacy, and International Relations0 60 (6): 64-76.
"[On Legal and Political Foundations of Global Information Security]." (in Russian) Mezhdunarodniye Protsessy 1 (5): 28–37.
"Cyber norms: technical extensions and technological challenges." Journal of Cyber Policy 6 (3).
"The politics of cyber norms: Beyond norm construction towards strategic narrative contestation." Research in Focus, EU Cyber Direct.
Unilateral Remedies to Cyber Operations: Self-Defence, Countermeasures, Necessity, and the Question of Attribution, Cambridge University Press.
"State Behaviour in Cyberspace: Normative Development and Points of Contention." Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik.
"Cyber security in the age of COVID-19: A timeline and analysis of cyber-crime and cyber-attacks during the pandemic." Computers & Security 105 (June).
"The Territorialization of Cyberspace." International Studies Review 22 (3): 482-506.
"Beyond sovereignty as authority: the multiplicity of European approaches to digital sovereignty." Global Political Economy.
"Changing the code? Norm contestation and US antipreneurism in cyberspace." International Relations 32 (2): 149-172.
"Between Two Stools: Military and Intelligence Organizations in the Conduct of Offensive Cyber Operations." The Cyber Defense Review 7 (3): 67-77.
"Cheerleading in Cyberspace: How the American Public Judges Attribution Claims for Cyberattacks." Foreign Policy Analysis 18 (2).
"Public attribution in the US government: implications for diplomacy and norms in cyberspace." Policy Design and Practice.
"Cracking Attribution: Moving International Norms Forward". (Available at SSRN: https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3300202).
New War Technologies and International Law: The Legal Limits to Weaponising Nanomaterials, Cambridge University Press.
"Why cybersecurity insurance should be regulated and compulsory." Journal of Cyber Policy.
"Back to the Roots: The Laws of Neutrality and the Future of Due Diligence in Cyberspace." European Journal of International Law 33 (3): 789-819.
"The Law of the Horse: What Cyberlaw Might Teach." Harvard Law Review 113 (501).
"Multilateral Agreements to Constrain Cyberconflict." Arms Control Today 40 (5): 14-19.
"Confidence-Building and International Agreement in Cybersecurity." In: Vignard, K., McCrae, R. & Powers, J. (eds), Disarmament Forum: Confronting Cyberconflict, Geneva: UNIDIR, 2011 (4): 51-60.
"Liberty, Equality, Connectivity: Transatlantic Cybersecurity Norms." Washington D.C: Center for Strategic & International Studies.
"The Coming of Cyber Espionage Norms." In: Rõigas, H., Jakschis, R., Lindström, L. & Minárik, T. (eds), 2017 9th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Defending the Core, Tallinn: NATO CCD COE Publications.
"Expectations of Cyber Deterrence." Strategic Studies Quarterly 12 (4): 44-57.
"Organizing cyber capability across military and intelligence entities: collaboration, separation, or centralization." Policy Design and Practice.
"Problematising EU Cybersecurity: Exploring How the Single Market Functions as a Security Practice." Journal of Common Market Studies.
“Cybersecurity and International Relations: developing thinking tools for digital world politics.” International Affairs 100 (6): 2303-2315.
Russian Information Warfare: Assault on Democracies in the Cyber Wild West, Naval Institute Press.
"Attribution of malicious cyber incidents: From soup to nuts." Journal of International Affairs 70 (1): 75-137.
"The existential threat from cyber-enabled information warfare." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 75 (4): 187-196.
"Cyber conflict vs. Cyber Command: hidden dangers in the American military solution to a large-scale intelligence problem." Intelligence and National Security: 1-19.
Information Technology and Military Power, Cornell University Press.
Escalation Dynamics in Cyberspace. Oxford University Press.
"A Better Defense: Examining the United States' New Norms-Based Approach to Cyber Deterrence." Georgetown Journal of International Affairs: 75-88.
The International Law of Intelligence: The World of Spycraft and the Law of Nations. Oxford University Press.
"Cybersecurity and Cyber Warfare: The Ethical Paradox of 'Universal Diffidence'." In: Christen, M., Gordijn, B. & Loi, M. (eds). The Ethics of Cybersecurity, The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology, 21, Springer: 245-258.
"Russian Approaches to Regulating Use of Force in Cyberspace." Baltic Yearbook of International Law Online 20 (1): 109-132.
"The Subversive Trilemma: Why Cyber Operations Fall Short of Expectations." International Security 46 (2).
"Subversion, Cyber Operations, and Reverse Structural Power in World Politics." European Journal of International Relations.
"Subversion, cyber operations, and reverse structural power in world politics." European Journal of International Relations 29 (1): 79-103.
Subversion: From Covert Operations to Cyber Conflict. Oxford University Press.
Subversion: From Covert Operations to Cyber Conflict. Oxford University Press.
"Donetsk Don’t Tell – “Hybrid War” in Ukraine and the Limits of Social Media Influence Operations." Journal of Information Technology & Politics.
"A tale of two cybers-how threat reporting by cybersecurity firms systematically underrepresents threats to civil society." Journal of Information Technology & Politics: 1-20.
“Tech titans, cyber commons and the war in Ukraine: An incipient shift in international relations.” International relations.
"A Dose of Realism: The Contestation and Politics of Cyber Norms." Hague Journal on the Rule of Law: 1-23.
"Cyber Norm Emergence at the United Nations, An Analysis of the UN‘s Activities Regarding Cyber-security." Discussion Paper 2011-11, Cambridge, Mass.: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School.
"The New Norms: Global Cyber-Security Protocols Face Challenges." IHS Jane’s Intelligence Review March: 52-53.
"Toward a Global Norm Against Manipulating the Integrity of Financial Data." Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 27 March 2017.
"Why International Order in Cyberspace is Not Inevitable." Strategic Studies Quarterly 9 (2): 78-98.
The Evolution of Cyber War: International Norms for Emerging-Technology Weapons, Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
"From Cyber Norms to Cyber Rules: Re-engaging States as Law-makers." Leiden Journal of International Law 30 (4): 877-899.
"Is the International Law of Cyber Security in Crisis?" In: Pissanidis, N., Rõigas, H. & Veenendaal, M. (eds), 2016 8th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Cyber Power, Tallinn: NATO CCD COE Publications, 127-139.
"Military Objectives 2.0: The Case for Interpreting Computer Data as Objects under International Humanitarian Law." Israel Law Review 48 (1): 55-80.
"Unblurring the lines: military cyber operations and international law." Journal of Cyber Policy 6 (3).
International Cybersecurity Norms: Reducing conflict in an Internet-dependent world, Microsoft Corporation.
"Cyberwarfare and International Law." UNIDIR Resources, Ideas for Peace and Security.
"Norms of Responsible State Behaviour in Cyberspace." In: Christen, M., Gordijn, B. & Loi, M., The Ethics of Cybersecurity, Springer.
Critical Perspectives on Cybersecurity: Feminist and Postcolonial Interventions. Oxford University Press.
“A feminist cybersecurity: addressing the crisis of cyber(in)security.” International Affairs 100 (6): 2341-2360.
"Between Israel and Iran: Middle-East Attitudes to the Role of International Law in the Cyber-Sphere." Baltic Yearbook of International Law Online 20 (1): 209-235.
"Transversal Politics of Big Tech." International Political Sociology 17 (1): olac020.
Offensive Cyber Operations: Understanding Intangible Warfare, London: Hurst & Company.
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