#HagueTIX2025 is happening on Tuesday 10 June 2025. Registration opens on 17 March!
The Hague Threat Intelligence Exchange (Hague TIX) is a one-day conference focused on exploring the landscape of cyber threats and foster collaboration between private sector threat intelligence, government, and academia, organized by The Hague Program on International Cyber Security of Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs.
Hague TIX 2025 is our fourth edition – for an impression of previous editions, please check out 2022 and 2023 and 2024.
Call for talks! - Deadline: 31 March 2025, 11:59am (CET - Central European Time)!
Hague TIX is currently accepting proposals for talks on cyber operations and their geopolitical and societal repercussions. The research should not have been presented elsewhere. Talks are 20 minutes long, followed by small group Q&A discussions. We are particularly interested in – but not limited to – the following angles:
- Operations coordinated, conducted by, or linked to state actors
- Use of generative AI by cyber threat actors
- Observed use of cyber operations during wartime
- Preparation for destructive or disruptive cyberoperations
- The strategic use of information operations
- Cyber criminal operations with a national security dimension
The conference has an empirical focus and aims to bring together security researchers from academia, civil society, industry and government.
Please note that Hague TIX is a fully in-person conference with no recording or livestreaming. We cover registration costs, travel, and accommodation for speakers.
Please send your talk proposal to haguetix@thehagueprogram.nl by Monday morning 31 March 2025, 11:59am (CET - Central European Time).
Mailing list
Do you want to be the first to hear the latest updates? Signup to the HagueTIX mailing list here.
Contact us & sponsorships
Contact us with any questions about the conference or sponsorships at haguetix@thehagueprogram.nl
The 2022 The Hague Threat Intelligence Exchange (Hague TIX) took place on 20 June 2022 at the Tram Museum in The Hague, with keynotes by Hester Somsen and Inge Bryan, and a series of short talks by Daniel Moore, Saher Naumaan, Florian Egloff, Rhianna King, Jamie Collier, Hakan Tanriverdi, Winnona DeSombre, Alexander Martin, Eduardo Izycki, Ben Read, Sanaz Yashar, Juan Andrés Guerrero-Saade and an analyst from the Defence Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands (MIVD).