Artificial Intelligence and International Conflict in Cyberspace
On 24 September 2021, we are organizing a one-day conference together with GÉODE on artificial intelligence and international cyber conflict in cyberspace. The authors of our book project will present their ideas and participate in panel discussions with the other authors. You can attend this conference via livestream and join the discussions via the Q&A sessions.
Follow the livestream
You can follow the livestream here. (All times are in Central European Time [CET].)
About this conference
Cyberspace has become a crucial frontier of international conflict, geopolitical tensions, and insecurity. The emergence of new technologies - such as artificial intelligence (AI) - introduces novel operational and strategic challenges for national defense and international security in cyberspace, while the international community struggles with devising shared and relevant normative/legal frameworks to regulate them. This conference explores these challenges and their interplay to shed light on how artificial intelligence is ultimately transforming international conflict in cyberspace.
This conference is part of the project Artificial Intelligence and international cyber conflict in cyberspace, a collaboration between The Hague Program for Cyber Norms at Leiden University and GEODE at the University of Paris 8. The Hague Program for Cyber Norms focuses on researching the development and implementation of cyber norms and contributes to the international dialogue about standards of responsible behaviour in the use of ICTs. GEODE (Geopolitics of the Datasphere) focuses on studying the impact of digital transformation on the strategic environment in relation to cyberspace but also to the geography of data flows and data control. Combining the expertise of both research groups and bringing together scholars from different disciplines, this project aims to produce a very first comprehensive edited volume on the topic.
09:30 – Welcome by Dennis Broeders and Fabio Cristiano
09:45 – Panel 1 | Conceptual and Operational Challenges (moderator: Fabio Cristiano)
- "The unknowable conflict: tracing AI, recognition, and the death of the (human) loop", by Andrew Dwyer
- "Algorithmic extremism? The securitization of artificial intelligence and its impact on radicalism, polarization, and political violence", by Joe Burton
- "Artificial intelligence in hybrid warfare – a double-edged sword?", by Wesley Moy and Kacper Gradon
11:15 – Short break
11:30 – Panel 2 | Geopolitical and Strategic Challenges (moderator: Aude Géry)
- "Algorithmic power? The role of artificial intelligence in European strategic autonomy", by Simona Soare
- "Artificial intelligence and military superiority: how the 'cyber-AI offensive-defensive arms race' affects the US vision of the fully integrated battlefield", by Jeppe Jacobsen and Tobias Liebetrau
- "Influence of Cyber Strategic Pathologies on the Evolution of Machine Learning", by Trey Herr
13:00 – End of morning session
14:30 – Panel 3 | Normative and Legal Challenges (moderator: François Delerue)
- "Ethical principles for artificial intelligence in the defence and security domain", by Mariarosaria Taddeo
- "Is Stuxnet the next Skynet? Autonomous cyber capabilities as Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS)", by Louis Perez
- "Advanced artificial intelligence techniques and the principles of non-intervention in international law: A challenge to the demanding element of coercion?", by Jack Kenny
16:00 – Closing by Frédérick Douzet
16:15 – End of afternoon session
You can register via this link. You will receive the livestream links at the latest an hour before the start of the sessions. (All times are in Central European Time [CET].) For any questions or assistance, please email us at info@thehaguecybernorms.nl