Closing the Gap | International Conference on Cyber, Digital and Tech
Several researchers affiliated with The Hague Program for Cyber Norms are presenting papers during the conference Closing the Gap, taking place online from 13-17 July 2020.
During the panel Unlawful activities in cyberspace: legal and policy responses on Monday 13 July, postdoctoral researcher Fabio Cristiano, Senior Fellow Dennis Broeders and Daan Weggemans (Leiden University) will present their paper “Mainstreaming and countering cyber terrorism: Kryptonite for the promotion of digital rights?”.
Dennis Broeders is also chairing a roundtable on Closing the accountability gap, with speakers Kerry-Ann Barrett (Organization of American States), Heli Tiirma-Klaar (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Estonia), Wiktor Staniecki (European External Action Service) and Arjun Jayakumar (ORF, India), which will try to answer the question of how accountability for irresponsible and/or malicious behaviour in cyberspace can be established?
PhD candidate and TNO researcher Ilina Georgieva, together with Tjerk Timan (TNO), will present their paper “When the gate-keepers become the troublemakers: How discourses through and about tools and capabilities shape international cyber norms” during the panel Digital transformation and cyber capacity building on Wednesday 15 July.
Associate Fellow Rogier Creemers will present on “Cybersovereignty in China: Rhetoric and Realization” during the panel Learning from the best? Comparing national approaches on Wednesday 15 July.
The international conference Closing the Gap on Cyber, Digital and Tech is organized by EU Cyber Direct, Egmont Institute and the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as part of the European Cyber Diplomacy Initiative, in partnership with several other research institutions. For more information and how to register to attend this online conference, please check their website.