Economic Security and Cyberspace: Politics, Policy and Practice
On 14 November, we co-hosted a research seminar with EU Cyber Direct on Economic Security in Cyberspace: Politics, Policy and Practice in The Hague. Participants were invited to discuss the politics, policy and practice of economic security and cyber conflict.
The seminar took its point of departure from the first draft of a planned journal article, co-authored between members of the EU Cyber Direct and The Hague Program teams. The seminar was divided into four sessions, respectively focusing on 1. Economic Security and Geoeconomics: Emerging Thinking, 2. Ad Hoc State Coalitions, 3. Formal Company Compliance with National Interests, and 4. Spontaneous Alliances: Choosing Sides in International Conflict.
Speakers and participants of the seminar: Lise Andersen (Leiden University), Arindrajit Basu (Leiden University), Thomas Biersteker (Geneva Graduate Institute), Dennis Broeders (Leiden University), Rogier Creemers (Leiden University), Katrin Kamin (Kiel Institute), John Lee (East West Futures), Imogen Liu (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Peter Pijpers (Netherlands Defence Academy / Universiteit van Amsterdam), Arun Sukumar (Leiden University), Swati Srivastava (Purdue University), Paul Timmers (University of Oxford), and Mikael Wigell (Finnish Institute of International Affairs).