Call for Talks | The Hague Threat Intelligence Exchange (Hague TIX) 2023
The Hague Threat Intelligence Exchange (Hague TIX) is happening on 12 June 2023! Our call for talks is open now!
Call for Talks
Hague TIX is currently accepting proposals for talks on disruptive and destructive cyber operations. Talks are 20 minutes long, followed by small group concurrent Q&A discussions. We are particularly interested in the following angles:
- Operations coordinated, conducted by, or linked to state actors
- Information operations
- Operations with a geopolitical dimension that have received less attention than they deserve
- New data about known APT actors
- Cyber operations in the context of the war in Ukraine
Please note that Hague TIX is a fully in-person conference. We cover travel and accommodation for selected speakers. Speakers also pay no registration fee for the conference.
You can send your proposals to haguetix@thehagueprogram.nl (deadline: Sunday 2 April 2023).