Monica Kaminska at ECCRI Workshop on Impact of Cyber Operations during the War in Ukraine
31 May 2022

Monica Kaminska at ECCRI Workshop on Impact of Cyber Operations during the War in Ukraine


On 31 May the European Cyber Conflict Research Initiative (ECCRI) organised a roundtable in Tallinn, Estonia on the Impact of Cyber Operations during the War in Ukraine.

Postdoctoral researcher Monica Kaminska co-organized the workshop, preceding the 2022 CyCon conference in Tallinn. The workshop was the first in-person event for ECCRI, which promotes the interdisciplinary study of cyber conflict and statecraft in Europe and beyond. ECCRI exists to make rigorous, objective research on cyber conflict and statecraft accessible to policy-makers and the general public. The Hague Program on International Cyber Security is pleased to be one of ECCRI's partners.

