Przemysław Roguski's Visiting Fellowship
Przemysław Roguski joined us from 16 September to 4 October 2019 for a Visiting Fellowship at The Hague Program for Cyber Norms at Leiden University's The Hague Campus. We sat down with him to hear about his fellowship experience.
Why were you interested in coming here?
I learned of the visiting fellowship program during last year’s Cyber Norms Conference, where I presented a paper on territorial sovereignty in cyberspace. I thought this to be a great opportunity to get into contact with other researchers, discuss current projects and do some intensive research using the resources provided by Leiden University as well as the Peace Palace in The Hague. I was encouraged to apply by friends and colleagues who have already been visiting fellows (Kubo Mačák, Barrie Sander) and was very happy when my application was accepted.
What did you work on during your fellowship?
My main focus was to work on an article about collective responses to cyberattacks, following the Estonian President’s statement – presented at CyCon 2019 – that third-party countermeasures are (or at least should be) applicable in cyberspace. During my stay in The Hague I’ve also finished three shorter articles about France’s view on how international law applies in cyberspace, which were published at Opinio Juris (here and here) and Just Security (here). Apart from that, I’ve had a couple of productive meetings and attended the ONE Conference.
What’s next for you?
Back to teaching international law, coaching the Jessup Team and writing articles. Apart from that, together with Dr. Jason Rudall from the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies and my Kraków colleague Dr. Marcin Marcinko I am co-organizing an ESIL Symposium on “The Frontiers of International Law in Cyberspace”, which will be held on 15 May 2020 in Kraków and in November 2020 in Leiden. The Call for Papers will hopefully be out soon.
Are you also interested to join our Visiting Fellowship Program? Applications are welcomed, reviewed and awarded year-round. Check out the Fellowships section for more information and the application process.